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About Us

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Our Mission


Black and Brown Founders Inc. is dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem. We empower entrepreneurs from underrepresented communities with the tools, training, and connections to launch and scale successful tech-enabled businesses that transform industries and communities.

How It All Started


Black & Brown Founders was created by our Founder and Board Chair, Aniyia Williams, during her entrepreneurship residency with Code2040 in 2017. Inspired by conversations with Deldelp Medina and the experiences fundraising for her tech company, Aniyia discovered the many gaps of venture funding and disparities in supporting people of color.

Less than 2% of venture capital goes to underrepresented entrepreneurs, yet they are the driving force behind business creation in the United States.

Aniyia wanted to provide solutions for founders of color who have limited resources and may never see a dollar of outside investment.

She started Black & Brown Founders to address it.

Our organization has organized several national events, offers a virtual training program, and a virtual conference to help Black and Latinx entrepreneurs at the earliest stage of their journey cross the chasm from idea to revenue.



Why This Matters

We're on a mission to close the vast and growing wealth gap between underrepresented entrepreneurs households and their counterparts in the United States.

Tech entrepreneurship is providing accelerated pathways to financial security, and we believe that equitable participation in the innovation economy is a moral and economic imperative that can change the outlook for marginalized groups.

In our communities, access to money is a major challenge, let alone access to capital. Further, many underrepresented entrepreneurs are not only trying to support themselves and perhaps a spouse and child(ren), but also their parents, siblings, and so on. When coupled with unfair hiring practices and being underpaid working for others, it becomes clear why we are likely to become entrepreneurs by necessity.

Despite the challenges, the things that make us entrepreneurs “different” are also assets when it comes to solving problems. If we start building tech from truly diverse perspectives, then the world can develop the best solutions for the communities that need them most.

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Who We Are & What We Do

Black & Brown Founders gives entrepreneurs in underrepresented communities the knowledge, tools and cutting-edge tactics to launch startups without relying on venture capital.

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Our Team

Frank Wilson


Dannica Wyche

Vice President

Valarie Farnum

Recording Secretary

Ramonda Crosby


Claudia Bray

Alternate 1

Cheryl Perryman

Alternate 2

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